Hand Crafted Process
First step
We pasteurise the milk at a low temperature to make sure all the flavour stays in, it is heated in the cheese making vat. We also test the acidity as we go along, as in the photo

The milk is then cooled to a secret temperature then add rennet and cultures. It is left to develop and some time later the milk has separated into curds and whey. The curds are cut into cubes using a curd cutter. Then they are heated gently and stirred gently by hand until the correct acidity is reached,
Draining the Whey
Once the correct acidity and consistency is reached, the curds are left to settle under the whey, the acidity continues to rise, when this has reached a certain point the whey is drained off and the solid curds at the bottom are cut into blocks

The blocks are then turned over until all the whey is drained and the curd has silky consistency. The cheese is then milled by hand which separates the cheese into smaller curds and salt added and mixed through. It is then put into moulds and pressed overnight in the press you can see in the background of the prev.ious photo
The cheese is taken out the following day and looks like the first photo, turned and pressed again, it is then turned daily for a week, then weekly for three months see photo two, and if it passes the taste test then it cut and ready for sale.